Saturday 16 April 2016

VIDEO: Nissan Leaf turns five, becomes a mind-reader

The Nissan Leaf turns five this year, and to commemorate the occasion, Nissan has produced a short video that shows everyone just how exciting driving an electric vehicle (EV) can be. Literally, whatever emotions you’re having while driving the Leaf will be shown to every bystander.
In the 1 minute 40 second-long video titled “The Electric CARtoon – Driving School at Night”, a specially-prepared Leaf is used. Wrapped in a manner befit of a manga comic, the Leaf’s other trick is a device inside the car that measures the brainwaves of 30 men and women as they are driving the EV.
The science here is, alpha waves are emitted when the brain relaxes and concentrates, while beta waves are produced when the brain feels tension or is excited. From starting the EV, to driving it down a straight road and taking corners, the machine records the information, and projects one of 33 patterns of language that reflects the current emotion felt by the driver onto the road.
It’s all very interesting this, and certainly worth a watch. Now, if only there’s a way the same brain device can be hooked up to a car’s indicator lights. Should make for an interesting experiment, wouldn’t you say?